Blog Archives

How To Manage Childhood Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of childhood and growing up, and it’s safe to say everyone experiences some level of anxiety through their lifetime. For a certain number of people, though, childhood anxiety may turn into teen and adult anxiety. In fact, … Continue reading

Sleep For Teens

Part 5 – Teens (13 – 18 years)
by Julia Gaines MD, FAAP
Invasion of the Teenagers
It finally happened – you are now the proud parent of a bonafide teenager! In a few short years, they’ll be off to college so they should be pretty self-sufficient as far as sleep goes by this point, … Continue reading

Sleep for School Aged Children

Part 4 – School aged children (6-12 years)
by Julia Gaines MD, FAAP
Kids, Kids, Kids
So, now you have a big kid – an interesting, smart, cool person who can tie their own shoes and brush their own teeth. So all those sleep problems should be old news, … Continue reading