Blog Archives

What’s the Difference Between the Cold, Flu, and Sinus Infections?

When kids get sick, it can be hard to distinguish between common conditions like the cold, flu, and sinus infections. Each condition shares overlapping symptoms but requires different approaches to care, making things extra confusing. Understanding the distinctions can help you manage your child’s illness effectively and know when to seek medical attention.Continue reading

How To Manage Childhood Anxiety

Anxiety is a normal part of childhood and growing up, and it’s safe to say everyone experiences some level of anxiety through their lifetime. For a certain number of people, though, childhood anxiety may turn into teen and adult anxiety. In fact, … Continue reading

Sleep For Teens

Part 5 – Teens (13 – 18 years)
by Julia Gaines MD, FAAP
Invasion of the Teenagers
It finally happened – you are now the proud parent of a bonafide teenager! In a few short years, they’ll be off to college so they should be pretty self-sufficient as far as sleep goes by this point, … Continue reading

Sleep for School Aged Children

Part 4 – School aged children (6-12 years)
by Julia Gaines MD, FAAP
Kids, Kids, Kids
So, now you have a big kid – an interesting, smart, cool person who can tie their own shoes and brush their own teeth. So all those sleep problems should be old news, … Continue reading