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Brain Power Snack Ideas for your Children

With your busy schedule and active lifestyle, it can be difficult to pack healthy snacks for your children. While pre-packaged snacks are an easy choice, they are often loaded with processed ingredients that can be harmful for kids. Here are a few options for easy, … Continue reading

What’s Scarier Than Ebola

With the worsening Ebola outbreak in West Africa and the recent arrival of the second American missionary with the disease at Emory Hospital, Ebola has been all over the news lately. There has been a lot of public concern and hysteria about how dangerous Ebola is to us here in the United States. … Continue reading

Sleep for Infants

Part 2 – Infants (3-11 months)
Start As You Mean To Go On
I think this saying is one of the most useful mantras in childrearing. Children grow and change and we have to adjust with them but once kids have seen the Promised Land, … Continue reading

Sleep for Newborns

Part 1 – Newborns
What’s Sleep for Anyway?
All animals require sleep. Some sleep during the day, others, like humans, sleep when it’s dark. When we get a good night of sleep, we feel refreshed and energized and ready to face the day. … Continue reading