Blog Archives

Spring Health & Safety Guide for Parents

Spring is here! The time of year when kids are chomping at the bit to get outside. After being cloistered in the house for months and only allowed outside for brief periods, now they are looking forward to spending hours outside in the spring weather.Continue reading

Screen Time: How Much Time Is Too Much For Kids?

Televisions, smartphones, computers, and tablets are all devices both adults and children use for information, entertainment, and social interaction. As with most modern conveniences, it is best to use them in moderation. Unfortunately, many kids (and adults) spend too much time looking at screens. … Continue reading

Your Guide To Raising Healthy Active Kids

Have kids? If so, you know how our culture and the internet can interfere with parental guidance. They would much rather pay attention to “so-called” experts on Tiktok than listen to their parents. The good news is that you can counter almost everything the world puts in front of your kids.Continue reading

How Can I Help My Child Make Friends At School?

Some children seem to be born gregarious. They happily enter into any group or conversation. They are swift to join teams, and they love having lots of friends over. However, other kids are more shy, unassuming, and just don’t have the same social skills. … Continue reading